What are
a father's rights in a divorce?
Children need their fathers just as much as they need their
One of the most important issues divorcing parents struggle
with is visitation and parenting time rights. Fathers, in particular, do not
have a clear understanding of their legal rights after a divorce where children
are involved. Often times, fathers will give up equal or shared custody of
their children because they think there is a gender bias in court and that
mothers always win custody.
If you are going through a bad divorce, you know the process
is difficult. If kids are involved, it is even harder. If you are a father who
wishes to have primary custody or equal time with your kids post-divorce, consider
the below.
During a divorce, the court makes decisions regarding child
custody, child support and visitation rights. The decisions are generally
governed under a “best interests” standard. One of the key factors the court
will take into account is whether a mother or father was involved in parenting
their children on a daily basis and how much time and effort s/he was invested
in their lives. Some examples can include: getting the children ready for
school, preparing meals, helping with schoolwork, transporting the kids to
school, attending activities, involvement in activities, attending the children’s
parent-teacher conferences at school or taking the kids to the doctor
regularly. The court seeks to do what is in the best interest of the children
and, as much as possible, maintain a steady foundation similar to what the kids
are already used to.
It may seem unnatural, but visitation rights are not
automatically a father’s rights. The terms of visitation are decided amongst
you and your ex-spouse in a parenting plan or in family court if an agreement cannot
be reached or a parent is denying the other visitation rights. Do not be afraid
to fight for your rights to share custody of your children because you may not
have a clear understanding of your legal rights or believe there is gender bias
if your situation goes to court. The truth is, you will never know your legal
rights if you do not try to understand them and you won’t know if there is a
gender bias in court if you do not even attempt to get custody.
If maintaining a relationship with your children is
important to you after your divorce, it is critical to be informed on your
rights. Contacting a Chicago divorce lawyer like us will help you understand
your legal rights. The court understands that both parents play an important
role in their children’s lives. With proper representation and information, you
may be able to receive more time with your children after the divorce.
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relationship or privilege. Further, this information is intended for general
knowledge purposes only and is not intended to solicit legal fees.